Nov 29, 2023


From an architectural designer standpoint this is very validating. Unfortunately I don’t have the authority sometimes to bypass these awful cubicles and it pains me immensely.

The reason I find it validating is because everything you said is exactly what I envisioned were the problems of these awful work environments.

In the end nothing beats working from home (I can attest to that), but I will say - if and when I go to the office. I do want it to be beautiful ! 😍

I want them to take a more architectural catering approach to spaces - because spaces influence our moods and have the capacity to inspire us. But it only works if it comes from a genuine place of employee focus. If it is an antic with an underlining agenda - it’s remarkable how it seeps into the design !

My experience. Wonderful article !




Architectural designer crafting well-researched articles envisioning the future (and sometimes the past) of the built environment.